Rounding results in highcharts jquery script

佐手、 提交于 2019-12-03 05:48:06

In in the tooltip option in the configuration object use Math.round() in the formatter function.

   tooltip: {
     formatter: function() {
        return '<b>'+ +'</b>: '+ Math.round(this.percentage) +' %';
tooltip: {
  valueDecimals: 2

There's a numberFormatfunction available in the Highcharts API that you can use (see

Quoted from API doc:

numberFormat (Number number, [Number decimals], [String decimalPoint], [String thousandsSep]) : String

Formats a JavaScript number with grouped thousands, a fixed amount of decimals and an optional decimal point. It is a port of PHP's function with the same name. See PHP number_format for a full explanation of the parameters.

tooltip: {
    formatter: function() {
        return ''+ +''+
            this.x +': '+ Highcharts.numberFormat(this.y, 0, ',') +' millions';
}, ...


  • number: Number The raw number to format.
  • decimals: Number The desired number of decimals.
  • decimalPoint: String The decimal point. Defaults to "." or to the string specified globally in options.lang.decimalPoint.
  • thousandsSep: String The thousands separator. Defaults to "," or to the string specified globally in options.lang.thousandsSep.


A string with with the input number formatted.

Instead of use formatter you can set yDecimals as 2:

tooltip: {
    yDecimals: 2

yDecimals: Number
How many decimals to show in each series' y value. This is overridable in each series' tooltip options object. The default is to preserve all decimals.

tooltip: {
    formatter: function() {
        return '<b>'+ +'</b>: '+ Math.round(this.percentage*100)/100 +' %';


percentageDecimals: 0 

in your tooltip
