Visual Studio - filter nvcc warnings away

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 02:41:02


I'm writing a CUDA program but I'm getting the obnoxious warning:

Warning: Cannot tell what pointer points to, assuming global memory space 

this is coming from nvcc and I can't disable it.

Is there any way to filter out warning from third-party tools (like nvcc)?

I'm asking for a way to filter out of the output window log errors/warnings coming from custom build tools.


I had the same annoying warnings, I found help on this thread: link.

You can either remove the -G flag on the nvcc command line,


change the compute_10,sm_10 to compute_20,sm_20 in the Cuda C/C++ options of your project if you're using Visual Studio.
