
How to tune store step on Wercker

南楼画角 提交于 2021-01-27 20:39:29
问题 When I run build on Wercker it is failed because I get error at store step: Size exceeds maximum size of 1000MB How can I disable store step or increase store size ? This is part of wercker.yml : box: java build: steps: - script: name: create test db code: | sudo apt-get install -y percona-server-server-5.6 sudo service mysql start #sql to create db - script: name: install gradle code: | wget https://services.gradle.org/distributions/gradle-2.8-all.zip unzip gradle-2.8-all.zip - script: name:

Wercker setup environment takes too long and make the build fail

落花浮王杯 提交于 2019-12-07 02:26:52
问题 I made a docker image to use it with my builds of a project in Wercker, I did this because I thought having the require packages already installed in the environment is better than installing them in each build of my project. However, now Wercker fails every time it have to build my project, the reason? timeout because the setup environment step takes more than 5 minutes. Running wercker version: 1.0.405 (Compiled at: 2016-02-10T22:17:21Z, Git commit: b44ceb57f107c85dbaa619c6d89592b979f69b5b)