
Enable Caching for all reports in SSRS Report Server

陌路散爱 提交于 2019-12-06 13:05:32
I have more than 100 reports in SSRS report server. I need to enable caching for all of those. Right now I am enabling caching through the report manager for each and every report. Can we add caching in any of the report servers config files? So that we can enable caching for all reports at a single place. Any help will be appreciated Thanks AJ Below is the script that I used to enable caching in minutes on a list of reports. Save it as setreportscaching.rss and then run it from the command line: rs.exe -i setreportscaching.rss -e Mgmt2010 -t -s http://mySsrsBox:8080/ReportServer -v

DevExpress v18.1新版亮点——Reporting篇(二)

為{幸葍}努か 提交于 2019-11-28 10:23:24
用户界面套包DevExpress v18.1日前终于正式发布,本站将以连载的形式为大家介绍各版本新增内容。本文将介绍了 DevExpress Reporting v18.1 的新功能,快来下载试用新版本! 点击下载>> Reporting - All Platforms ASP.NET MVC - New Query Builder 新的ASP.NET MVC Query Builder允许最终用户使用UI控件直观地构建查询,这样可以避免最终用户学习和编写SQL语句。构建查询后,您可以将这些查询应用于现有的DevExpress控件,如ASP.NET MVC GridView,这将ad-hoc查询的强大功能置于用户的指尖。 HTML5 Reporting Controls - 支持Web Farm和Web Garden DevExpress HTML5 Document Viewer和End-User Report Designer现在可以在Web Farm和Web Garden环境中工作。 HTML5 Document Viewer - 显示远程文档 DevExpress HTML5 Document Viewer现在可以显示使用Report Server(Report Server是一个企业报表平台,必须单独购买许可)创建文档。 其他增强功能 Web Report

Isolated Storage Exception: Unable to determine the identity of domain

爷,独闯天下 提交于 2019-11-28 04:25:00
问题 I setup a subscription in a SQL Server 2012 SP1 Reporting Services instance that exports a 34MB file to the Excel 2007-2013 XLSX OpenXML render extension. The subscription throws the following error: System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageException: Unable to determine the identity of domain. I verified it is possible to export the report from Report Manager to the Excel 2007-2013 XLSX OpenXML render extension without a problem. This error only occurs when the report is executed via a