
How to custom handle a file not being found when using go static file server?

戏子无情 提交于 2019-12-10 18:24:00
问题 So I'm using a go server to serve up a single page web application. This works for serving all the assets on the root route. All the CSS and HTML are served up correctly. fs := http.FileServer(http.Dir("build")) http.Handle("/", fs) So when the URL is http://myserverurl/index.html or http://myserverurl/styles.css , it serves the corresponding file. But for a URL like http://myserverurl/myCustompage , it throws 404 if myCustompage is not a file in the build folder. How do I make all routes for

Golang dynamic creating member of Struct

三世轮回 提交于 2019-11-30 08:51:36
I am fairly new to Golang. I know there is Struct in Golang. But for all I know, you have to define struct type Circle struct{ x,y,r float64 } I am wondering how you can declare a new variable that doesn't exist in the Struct circle := new(Cirlce) circle.color = "black" Thx in advance. You will need to use a map (of type map[string]interface{} ) to work with dynamic JSON. Here is an example of creating a new map: // Initial declaration m := map[string]interface{}{ "key": "value", } // Dynamically add a sub-map m["sub"] = map[string]interface{}{ "deepKey": "deepValue", } Unmarshalling JSON into

Golang dynamically creating member of struct

喜夏-厌秋 提交于 2019-11-27 01:56:53
问题 I know there is struct in Go, but for all I know, you have to define struct type Circle struct{ x,y,r float64 } I am wondering how you can declare a new variable that doesn't exist in the struct circle := new(Circle) circle.color = "black" 回答1: You will need to use a map (of type map[string]interface{} ) to work with dynamic JSON. Here is an example of creating a new map: // Initial declaration m := map[string]interface{}{ "key": "value", } // Dynamically add a sub-map m["sub"] = map[string