AVD Manager - Can't run multiple emulators any more

不羁的心 提交于 2019-12-21 20:27:02


I know that the AVD Manager can run multiple emulators but with the new version in the last couple of days it stopped working. It stopped doing that thing where it launches 4 command prompt windows and it just has a loading bar but now I can't run more than 1 at once. When I click start, the load bar completes but no emulator loads, no visible changes.

The only errors in the logcat in Eclipse are:

07-04 10:12:18.563: D/SntpClient(71): request time failed: java.net.SocketException: 
    Address family not supported by protocol

No idea if this is relevant.

EDITED I also seem to be getting this issue when starting the emulator as well sometimes:

Starting emulator for AVD 'Android_2_2_480x854'
WARNING: Data partition already in use. Changes will not persist!
WARNING: SD Card image already in use: C:\Users\USERNAME\.android\avd\Android_2_2_480x854.avd/sdcard.img
ko:Snapshot storage already in use: C:\Users\USERNAME\.android\avd\Android_2_2_480x854.avd/snapshots.img

This is an app created by another development team and we are just a testing team so I'm not in a position to change anything (just have the apk to test).

Things tried so far:

  • Restarting ADB
  • Looking up errors on Google
  • Restart ADB manager / Eclipse


Right, not working for me either since the update. It's been reported to Google-issues subscribe/vote to the issue so they fix it soon.

Meanwhile, a good alternative is to set a Virtual Box running the x86 Android version. It's also quite faster than the ARM emulator, though a bit tricky to setup the network and not as automatic as creating and starting emulators from Eclipse.

