Own a subdomain on meteor.com

送分小仙女□ 提交于 2019-12-20 10:18:23


If I publish my app to a subdomain, eg: spartan.meteor.com do I own the subdomain or can some other user take it from me? If I can own it, is there some documentation around it?


You can set a deploy password for your app.

$ meteor deploy -P spartan.meteor.com

Any future deploy (or request for logs) will require the same password.


As an update:

As of Meteor v0.7.1, this is no longer relevant. If you don't yet have a meteor developer account, meteor deploy <site> will prompt you for your email address and send you a link to create a password. Then they have some functionality around authorizing other users to collaborate on your app.


I believe it is now:

meteor deploy <site> [--password]


Your question also asked if there was any documentation. It is available here: http://docs.meteor.com/#meteordeploy

It covers additional things like changing the password. It specifies --password as the command-line option, but -P appears to still work. It alludes to forthcoming Meteor accounts.


I think this question was about the subdomain (SPARTAN) in meteor deploy domain (SPARTAN.METEOR.COM) being your property or not.

I've made a deploy half year ago and it's still there, so I think Meteor recycles the subdomains from time to time, but they give you a very good long time for sure.

