How to integrate Rails views with angularjs ng-view?

我是研究僧i 提交于 2019-12-19 06:22:18


I have created rails view (ERB). However, I want to integrate it into angularjs $routeProvider, but I don't know what url should I fill into templateUrl to give me the appropriate rails view. For example, I tried:

$routeProvider.when('/pages/foo', {
templateUrl: "/pages/foo",                  
controller: "PageFoo"

But the result appears as a blank page. Are the two features even integrateable? Or do I have to create new .html files, instead of using preexisting .html.erb


Angular js provides its own routes. rails routes will always be used when you want to connect your views with database(CRUD). that is data binding with angular.js now i will show you how to use it with rails...

I want to add new user using angular js views and list all users. i will use rails as backend to store users in database so i will create user_controller

  1. First Create resource of user. we will not create any views so be carefull for that

    rails g resource user name:string
  2. Then go to route.rb and check there is a route created, and create Home controller with index action that we will use as our single page application where our output will be yield.

    rails g controller home index
    root to: "home#index"
  3. type this command on terminal where you will see our 7 routes. we never use new and edit method, because new and edit don't respond to json.

    rake routes
  4. Now we want all user with a unique name so go to create_user migration and uncomment this line and then we will migrate the database.

    add_index :users, :name, unique: true
    rake db:migrate
  5. Now modify our controller so that all data fetching and insertion will be done with json format. so put this code inside users_controller.rb, if you are using rails 4 then follow this otherwise not. attributes will be adjustable in model.

    class UsersController < ApplicationController
      respond_to :json
      def index
        respond_with User.all
      def create
        respond_with User.create(user_params)
        def user_params

    Its time to use angulajs in our rails application

  6. Go to application.html.erb replace tag line with this

     <html ng-app="userApp">
  7. Now add angular.js file in asses/javascripts, download it from

  8. Now we will create a controller to handle our angular application routes to know then that this controller wants something from me. so type this on terminal

    mkdir -p app/assets/javascripts/angular/controllers
  9. Now let's create the controller file itself. I'm calling this controller the "userCtrl", Thus our filename will be app/assets/javascripts/angular/controllers/

  10. In controller userCtrl

    app = angular.module("userApp", ["ngResource"])
    @userCtrl = ($scope, $resource) ->
      User = $resource("/users", {id: "@id"}, {update: {method: "PUT"}})
      $scope.users = User.query()
      $scope.createUser = ->
        user =$scope.newUser)

    (This will insert new user record into database, by creating createUser method)

  11. Create a view for taking input from user write this code in home/index.html.erb.

    <div ng-controller="userCtrl">
      <form ng-submit="createUser()">
        <label>Enter Name</label>
        <input type="text" placeholder="Enter user name" ng-model="" />
        <button ng-click="createUser()" class="button tiny">Submit</button>
      <!-- List all usres -->
      <h4 ng-show="users.$resolved && users.length > 1">All users</h4>
        <span ng-repeat="c in users">

Run application and watch output.


In this page, it gives a 'Hello World' example of scaffolding Angularjs + Rails. (Please ignore the extra parts for additional functions.) When you type any name,then get a Hello message displayed for him, you've got a functional Angularjs + rails app.

A couple of points to share:

  • A simple way to include angular.js file:

    1. Put gem 'angularjs-rails' in your Gemfile;

    2. Then put //= require angular in your app/assets/javascripts/application.js file.

    3. Very likely you will need //= require angular-resource so that you can use ngResource services to access the RESTful API provided by rails applicaiton from server end. See this page for examples.

  • Include Rails-controller-specific javascript codes in layout this way:

    1. Add the following codes to app/views/layouts/applications.html.erb file after the line <%= yield %>:

      <%= page_specific_js = "#{params[:controller]}_#{params[:action]}" %>
      <%= javascript_include_tag page_specific_js if Rails.application.assets.find_asset page_specific_js %>
      <%= stylesheet_link_tag  page_specific_js if Rails.application.assets.find_asset page_specific_js %>
    2. Remove //= require_tree . from application.js.

  • Include the following codes in config/initializers/assets.rb for precompiling js and css files:

    Rails.application.config.assets.precompile << do |path|
      if path =~ /\.(css|js)\z/
        full_path = Rails.application.assets.resolve(path).to_path
        app_assets_path = Rails.root.join('app', 'assets').to_path
        if full_path.starts_with? app_assets_path
          puts "including asset: " + full_path
          puts "excluding asset: " + full_path

