Hide header in stack navigator React navigation

元气小坏坏 提交于 2019-12-17 15:27:33


I'm trying to switch screen using both stack and tab navigator.

const MainNavigation = StackNavigator({
      otp: { screen: OTPlogin },
      otpverify: { screen: OTPverification},
      userVerified: {
        screen: TabNavigator({
          List: { screen: List },
          Settings: { screen: Settings }

In this case stacknavigator is used first and then tabnavigator. and i want to hide headers of stack navigator. WIt is not working properly when i use navigationoptions like::

navigationOptions: { header: { visible: false } }

i'm trying this code on first two components which are using in stacknavigator. if i use this line then getting some error like::


I use this to hide the stack bar (notice this is the value of the second param):

    headerMode: 'none',
    navigationOptions: {
        headerVisible: false,

When you use the this method it will be hidden on all screens.

In your case it will look like this:

const MainNavigation = StackNavigator({
  otp: { screen: OTPlogin },
  otpverify: { screen: OTPverification },
  userVerified: {
    screen: TabNavigator({
    List: { screen: List },
    Settings: { screen: Settings }
  headerMode: 'none',
  navigationOptions: {
    headerVisible: false,

As of version 2.0.0-alpha.36 (2019-11-07),
there is a new navigationOption: headershown

      navigationOptions: {
        headershown: false,



Simply use below code in the page you want to hide the header

export default class Login extends Component {
    static navigationOptions = {
        header: null

refer to Stack Navigator


Just add this into your class/component code snippet and Header will be hidden

 static navigationOptions = { header: null }


If your screen is a class component

static navigationOptions = ({ navigation }) => {
    return {
       header: () => null

code this in your targeted screen as the first method (function).


If you want to hide on specific screen than do like this:

// create a component
export default class Login extends Component<{}> {
  static navigationOptions = { header: null };


I am using header : null instead of header : { visible : true } i am using react-native cli. this is the example :

static navigationOptions = {
   header : null   


If someone searching how to toggle header so in componentDidMount write something like:

      hideHeader: true,


static navigationOptions = ({ navigation }) => {
    const {params = {}} = navigation.state;

    if (params.hideHeader) {
      return {
        header: null,

    return {
        headerLeft: <Text>Hi</Text>,
        headerRight: <Text>Hi</Text>,
        headerTitle: <Text>Hi</Text>

And somewhere when event finish job:

  hideHeader: false,


This worked for me:

const Routes = createStackNavigator({
Intro: {
    screen: Intro,
    navigationOptions: {
        header: null,
        initialRouteName: 'Intro',



static navigationOptions = { header: null } 

in class/component like

class Login extends Component {

    static navigationOptions = {
        header: null


Add new navigationOptions object in the stackNavigator.

Try this :

const MainNavigator = createStackNavigator({
  LoginPage: {screen : LoginPageContainer, navigationOptions: { header: null } },
  MiddlePage: {screen : MiddlePageContainer, navigationOptions: { header: null } },
  SMS: {screen: ShowSmsContainer, navigationOptions: { header: null } },
  Map: {screen: ShowMapContainer, navigationOptions: { header: null } }

Hope it helps.


In your targeted screen you have to code this !

 static navigationOptions = ({ navigation }) => {
    return {
       header: null


const CallStack = createStackNavigator({
  Calls: Calls,
}, {headerMode: 'none'});

CallStack.navigationOptions = {
  tabBarLabel: 'Calls',
  tabBarIcon: ({ focused }) => (
      name={Platform.OS === 'ios' ? 'ios-options' : 'md-options'}

   header: null,

        headerVisible: false,



All the answer are showing how to do it with class components, but for functional components you do:

const MyComponent = () => {
    return (

MyComponent.navigationOptions = ({ /*navigation*/ }) => {
    return {
        header: null

If you remove the header your component may be on places where you can't see it (when the phone don't have square screen) so it's important to use it when removing the header.


I've the same problem but I've done my header work in the individual classes using navigationOptions and I'm using createBottomTabNavigator whose header is visible and the header of classes is not visible. I've tried everything like headerMode: none, header: null and so on, but couldn't hide the header of bottomTabNavigator.

