HttpCookieCollection.Add vs HttpCookieCollection.Set - Does the Request.Cookies collection get copied to the Response.Cookies collection?

霸气de小男生 提交于 2019-12-17 13:45:23


I just want to clear this up.

I know that if I have set a cookie on a previous request, it will show up in my Request.Cookies collection.

I want to update my existing Cookie.

Are the cookies from my Request.Cookies collection already copied to my Response.Cookies collection? Do I need to add a new cookie with the same key using Response.Cookies.Add(), or do I need to use Response.Cookies.Set()?


There is a difference:

  • Response.Cookies.Add() will allow duplicate cookies to be set
  • Response.Cookies.Set() will make sure the cookie is unique by first checking to ensure the cookie doesn't exist

Duplicate cookies typically requires extra handling to determine which is the most recent. I'm not sure of a case when you would want duplicate cookies on the same site, maybe someone else can chime in with an example

Edit: In your case, you want to use set because you are updating.

