private friend operator<<

自作多情 提交于 2019-12-14 03:42:40


So I have a class for which I want to overload operator<< to be able to output its internal data to output stream. I want to do this only for debugging purposes and thus somehow completely hide the operator<< from outside world, so that it will be accessible only from within the *.cpp file where the implementation of my class resides. To give the operator<< access to member variables from my class I have to make it a friend of it. However declaring operator<< friend in the class enables anyone from outside world to call operator<< on this class ...

I know that I could make a regular private member function to do this, but I already have some debugging macros that make use of operator<<, so I was wondering if it was possible to get this done somehow.


You can move the operator<< functionality to a helper proxy class. When the proxy is used as the RHS of <<, then the original object is printed. Define a private implicit conversion from the original to the proxy. Now anyone has access to operator<<, but only the class has the ability to construct the proxy.


class private_printable {
    int state;

    struct proxy {
        private_printable const &r;
    operator proxy () const { return { * this }; }

    friend std::ostream & operator << ( std::ostream & s, proxy const & o )
        { return s << o.r.state; }

    private_printable() : state( 5 ) {}
    void debug() { std::cout << * this << '\n'; }

Note that the proxy doesn't need to be friended. The only change from the normal way of doing things is that the proxy and conversion function exist. The friend operator<< is found by argument-dependent lookup, without a namespace-scope declaration, even though it doesn't take a private_printable argument. Then the conversion makes it viable. Don't think a cleaner solution is possible :v) .


#ifdef WIN32
# define DLL_LOCAL
# define DLL_PUBLIC __declspec(dllexport)
# define DLL_LOCAL __attribute__ ((visibility ("hidden")))
# define DLL_PUBLIC

class DLL_PUBLIC Example
  DLL_LOCAL friend std::ostream& operator << ( std::ostream& os_, const Example& inst_ );

In Windows DLL: do not export the friend function.

In gcc: hide it with __attribute__ ((visibility ("hidden")))

In this way your library user could not link this function.


If it's possible for one translation unit to get access, it's possible for any translation unit to get access, unless you do something sneaky and unportable with #ifdef.

But you can make it hard to use by accident:

// example.hpp

#include <ostream>

class Example;

namespace Example_debug {
    std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const Example&);

class Example {
    // ...
    void debug_print(std::ostream&) const;
    friend std::ostream& Example_debug::operator<<(
      std::ostream&, const Example&);


// example.cpp
#include "example.hpp"

std::ostream& Example_debug::operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Example& obj) {
    return os;

using Example_debug::operator<<;

// ...


Declare the operator<< as a friend in the class, but define it as a static in the file where you want it to be usable.

This does have one minor shortcoming: attempting to use it outside the file where you defined it will only result in a linker error rather than the compiler error you'd really prefer. On the other hand, that's still a lot better than no protection at all.

Here's a quick demo. First, the header with the class definition, and declaring a function junk we'll use to test access to the operator:

// trash.h
#include <iostream>

class X { 
    friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &, X const &);

void junk(X const &);

Then the file where we define X and the operator, so we should be able to access the operator from here:

#include "trash.h"

static std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, X const &x) {
    return os << "x";

int main() {
    X x;
    std::cout << x;
    return 0;

Then the second file that should not have access to the operator:

#include "trash.h"

void junk(X const &x) {
    // un-comment the following, and the file won't link:
    //std::cout << x; 

Note that in this case, we cannot use an anonymous namespace instead of a file-level static function -- if you try, it'll show up as an ambiguous overload of operator<<, even for the case we want to allow.


OK, so after reading all your answers and scratching my head for a long time, I came up with following thing. I use private inheritance to store all the data of my class and I make the output function friend of my private base class. Also to disable user from instantiating this base class, I had to make it abstract. I do not claim that this is a good software engineering and this approach is also a little too involved to my taste, as a proof of concept it stands. I compiled this with gcc 4.7.2 with the following switches: -std=c++98 -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -g

In header file class.h:

#ifndef CCLASS_H
#define CCLASS_H

#include <iostream>

class CDataBase
    /// all data members will go here
    int m_data;

    CDataBase(int data = 0) : m_data(data) { }

     * Make the base virtual, so that it cannot be instantiated
    virtual ~CDataBase(void) = 0;

    /// and this function is a friend of only the base class
    friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & os, const CDataBase & base);

class CMyClass : private CDataBase
    CMyClass(void) : CDataBase(42) { }
    virtual ~CMyClass(void) { }
    void test(void);


In implementation file Class.cpp

#include "CClass.h"

std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & os, const CDataBase & base)
  os << base.m_data;
  return os;


void CMyClass::test(void)
  std::cout << *this << std::endl;

In the some other file:

#include "CClass.h"

#include <iostream>

int main(void)
  CMyClass cls;
  cls.test();  // this works

  // this failes, because CDataBase is abstract
  //CDataBase base;

  // this fails as well, because CDataBase is inaccessible
  //std::cout << cls << std::endl;
  return 0;

