My website does not show images when viewed in Firefox, but works perfectly in Chrome [closed]

妖精的绣舞 提交于 2019-12-13 23:30:49


I'm aware that this is nothing new and will happen, but I've just run out of ideas of what to correct. I tried validating my website code, fixed encoding, but to no avail.

Here it is: (you click the logo)

It uses jQuery to slide images inside the central container, which doesn't show. The intro graphic does though.


Instead of images\pic.png put images/pic.png .


You are using the incorrect slash for the image urls...

<div id="gallery">
    <img alt="" src="images\title_903x600.jpg" style="margin: 5px 0px;">
    <img alt="" src="images\rukitis.jpg">
    <img alt="" src="images\danny.jpg">
    <img alt="" src="images\ernests.jpg">
    <img alt="" src="images\toms.jpg">
    <img alt="" src="images\forest.jpg">
    <img alt="" src="images\fight.jpg">                                 
    <img alt="" src="images\light.jpg">
    <img alt="" src="images\mirror.jpg">
    <img alt="" src="images\scene.jpg">

should be...

<div id="gallery">
    <img alt="" src="images/title_903x600.jpg" style="margin: 5px 0px;">
    <img alt="" src="images/rukitis.jpg">
    <img alt="" src="images/danny.jpg">
    <img alt="" src="images/ernests.jpg">
    <img alt="" src="images/toms.jpg">
    <img alt="" src="images/forest.jpg">
    <img alt="" src="images/fight.jpg">                                 
    <img alt="" src="images/light.jpg">
    <img alt="" src="images/mirror.jpg">
    <img alt="" src="images/scene.jpg">


You should specify image src paths using a forward slash. For eg.

<img alt="" src="images/title_903x600.jpg"> 

instead of

<img alt="" src="images\title_903x600.jpg">

as you have currently specified.

This solves the issue for firefox. Chrome is extra smart :)


On a side note, i like your photography but it seemed to load slowly, perhaps look into a jquery pre load function.

$.fn.preload = function() {
    $('<img/>')[0].src = this;


// Usage:


