Is there a VS plugin for convert a JSON string to an InnerClassEntity class , just like GsonFormat [closed]

假如想象 提交于 2019-12-13 06:45:27


I am a android developer , i am new to vs , i want to develop android app with C# recently, but i can not find any plugin that can convert a JSON string to an InnerClassEntity class, just like GsonFormat, can any one help me , thanks in advance .


These are not Visual Studio plugins but can convert JSON to C# classes for cut/pasting into your solution/project, not as nice as using GSONFormat within Android Studio, but it can help get the job done.

JSON C# Class Generator


Browser based: json2csharp

For consuming JSON within your app, Newtonsoft's Json.NET is very popular:

  • Nuget search : Json.NET


No Plugin needed! It's built into Visual Studio. Just copy the json into the clipboard and then Edit > Paste Special > Paste JSON as Classes.


I always use Json2CSharp for converting my Json to C# Classes. You can either copy and paste your entire JSON string or provide the URL to the JSON. This online tool is highly compatible with JSON.NET (Newtonsoft JSON) library, which is mostly used in all .NET technologies for serializing and de-serializing JSON.

