Template alias in template function

牧云@^-^@ 提交于 2019-12-12 22:51:11


EDITED: Let us suposse I have two (or more) template functions f and g that uses (some times) types depending on its template parameter:

template<typename T>
f(const some_ugly_and_large_or_deep_template_struct_1<T>::type&,
  const some_ugly_and_large_or_deeptemplate_struct_1<T>::type&)
   // body, that uses perhaps more times my
   // "some_ugly_and_large_or_deep_template_struct_1<T>"

template<typename T>
g(const some_ugly_and_large_or_deep_template_struct_2<T>::type&,
  const some_ugly_and_large_or_deeptemplate_struct_2<T>::type&)
   // body, that uses perhaps more times my
   // "some_ugly_and_large_or_deep_template_struct_2<T>"

How could I simplify this "type" definition?, for example with any of new C++11's tools? I think only on something like:

template<typename T,
         typename aux = some_ugly_and_large_or_deep_template_struct_1<T>::type>
aux f(const aux&, const aux&)
  // body, that uses perhaps more times my
  // "aux" type

template<typename T,
         typename aux = some_ugly_and_large_or_deep_template_struct_2<T>::type>
aux g(const aux&, const aux&)
  // body, that uses perhaps more times my
  // "aux" type

The problem that I see with this approach is the user can provide his own aux type and not the type that I want.


If you make it a variadic template, the caller has no possibility to define the type parameters listed after:

template<typename T,
         typename..., // firewall, absorbs all supplied arguments
         typename aux = some_ugly_and_large_or_deep_template_struct_1<T>::type>
aux f(const aux&, const aux&)
  // body, that uses perhaps more times my
  // "aux" type

Optionally, to prevent calling f accidentally with too many template arguments, one can add a static_assert:

template<typename T,
         typename... F,
         typename aux = some_ugly_and_large_or_deep_template_struct_1<T>::type>
aux f(const aux&, const aux&)
  static_assert(sizeof...(F)==0, "Too many template arguments");
  // body, that uses perhaps more times my
  // "aux" type

Usually, I can live with letting the user define types like aux, being for example the return type where this can save you a cast.

Or you can replace the static_assert with an enable_if:

template<typename T,
         typename... F, typename = typename std::enable_if<sizeof...(F)==0>::type,
         typename aux = some_ugly_and_large_or_deep_template_struct<T>::type,>
aux f(const aux&, const aux&)
  // body, that uses perhaps more times my                                               
  // "aux" type                                                                          


You could declare a template alias alongside the function:

template<typename T> using f_parameter
  = typename some_ugly_and_large_or_deep_template_struct<T>::type;

template<typename T>
f_parameter<T> f(const f_parameter<T>&, const f_parameter<T>&)
   f_parameter<T> param;


You can use something like

namespace f_aux {
   template <typename T> using type = 
            typename some_ugly_and_large_or_deep_template_struct<T>::type;

template <typename T>
f_aux::type<T> f(const f_aux::type<T>& , const f_aux::type<T>&);

If the declaration of f is in a suitable namespace or class, you may not need the additional f_aux namespace.


A possible solution would be to convert the template function into a template struct with an operator(). For example:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

template <typename T>
struct some_ugly_and_large_or_deep_template_struct
    typedef T type;

template <typename T>
struct f
    typedef typename some_ugly_and_large_or_deep_template_struct<T>::type aux;

    aux operator()(const aux& a1, const aux& a2)
        return a1 + a2;

int main()
    std::cout << f<int>()(4, 4) << "\n";
    std::cout << f<std::string>()("hello ", "world") << "\n";
    return 0;

