Visual studio 2015 property page can not open Visual studio 2010 property

旧时模样 提交于 2019-12-12 22:20:46


I'm trying to make Visual studio 2010 project work on Visual studio 2015(without upgrading it).

But the problem is it does not open proper property page.

It works very well in Visual studio 2010 IDE. Or if it is upgraded for Visual studio 2015 toolset(v140).

If I change the 'Platform Toolset' option to Visual studio 2010(v100), it does not work again.

Does anybody know what the problem is?

Thank you.


I faced a similar issue. See here: Missing Properties when opening VS2010 C++ projects with VS2015

In my case, it was related to language settings:

  • VS2010 german version
  • VS2015 english version -> project properties where not there

Switching the language of VS2015 to german solved it for me.

