Escape EL in JSP that represent JSON data

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2019-12-12 19:39:12


The Spring controller sets:

model.addAttribute("myJsonObj", JsonUtils.toJson(myObject));

The JSP has something like:

  var myObj = ${myJsonObj};

How to properly protect this from any XSS exploit?

would break the JSON (double quotes, etc.)

What's the right strategy to avoid directly EL in the JSP?


When JSP output var myObj = ${myJsonObj};, the behavior is the same as eval the script and cause XSS issue. The solution is output ${myJsonObj} as string, so malicious script will not execute. Then use JSON.parse() restore the string to javascript object, so you don't have to change other scripts.

You have to handle the double/single quote char when output ${myJsonObj} as string. This can be done using a JSP custom tag/EL function, for example:

var myObj = JSON.parse('<my:escapeEcmaScript value="${myJsonObj}"/>');

Or do it in Spring controller

model.addAttribute("myJsonObj", StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(JsonUtils.toJson(myObject)));
//In JSP
//var myObj = JSON.parse('${myJsonObj}');

