Adding iPad XIB/VIEW to a “View Based Application” in iOS 4

梦想的初衷 提交于 2019-12-11 17:26:39


I've created a View Based Application in XCode4 and trying to do the code and UI design according to the way Apple have intended it to be.

So I designed the UI in the AppNameViewController.xib and it works fine; now I want to enable it as a UNIVERSAL application that runs on iPad as well. I changed the App-Target>>Summary>>Devices from iPhone to Universal and miraculously XCode had automatically created MainWindow-iPad.xib (Apple, very nice...), but since I designed the application first screen on the AppNameViewController.xib and not on the MainWindow.xib when I run the app on iPad Simulator I get this ugly screen where my UI objects size and location is distorted (their size is still set for iPhone so they are all crumbled on the left-top corner of the screen).

In my previous app I used the code appearing below to distinct between the AppNameViewControllerForIPHONE.xib and the AppNameViewControllerForIPAD.xib; It was done from the AppDelegate.m file, but in the new XCode View Based Application template the AppDelegate doesn't go through initWithNibName method at all.

Code I used on XCode 3 that cannot be used on XCode 4:

if (UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPad) {

viewController = [[AppViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"AppViewControllerIPAD" bundle:[NSBundle mainBundle]];


else {

viewController = [[AppViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"AppViewControllerIPHONE" bundle:[NSBundle mainBundle]];


Long question... still, anyone had any idea how it should be done here? Where should I design the iPad UI or is there a way to easily transform the iPhone xib to an iPad one?


You have to follow the new naming scheme (idiom in Apple-speak) specified for Universal Applications for the NSMainNibFile key in your info.plist. For example, if you set your NSMainNibFile to be "MainWindow-iPhone", the xib for ipad would be "MainWindow-iPad".

The same naming convention should hold for the views in a view based application (I can't test right now, installing new xcode).

