Laravel Query Builder - How can I sum?

我们两清 提交于 2019-12-11 16:39:16


I'm logging time entries for users for each month of the year. The times are in the following format: hh:mm:ss

example: 08:32:00

Here's how i'm grouping my months together:

  $data = $user->times()->whereYear('start_day', 2019)->get();
        $group_months = $data->groupBy(function($entry) {
             return Carbon::parse($entry->start_day)->format('m');

How can I sum $group_months, so I can the total time value for each month?

Here's my migration for times

Schema::create('times', function (Blueprint $table) {



$monthDurations = $user->times()
    ->whereYear('start_day', 2019)
        \DB::raw('SUM(TIME_TO_SEC(duration)) as `month_duration_in_seconds`'),
        \DB::raw('DATE_FORMAT(start_day, "%Y-%m") as `year_month`'),
    ->groupBy(\DB::raw('DATE_FORMAT(start_day, "%Y-%m")'), 'category', 'user_id')


This has not been tested. However you should be able to achieve this with the following:

$data = $user->times()
    ->whereYear('start_day', 2019)
    ->groupBy(function($entry) {
        return Carbon::parse($entry->start_day)->format('m');
    })->map(function ($times, $month) {
        $seconds = $times->map(function ($time, $key) {
            return \Carbon::parse($time->start_time)->diffInSeconds(\Carbon::parse($time->finish_time));

        return gmdate('H:i:s', $seconds);


After grouping the month, you can use the ->map() collection method to get the difference in seconds for reach of the times within the month.

You can then add the all up using ->sum().

Finally you can use gmdate() to convert $seconds to the required format.

I hope this helps.

Note: This assumes that the finish_time does not go past the start_day specified on the record.

