Angular nested component and reactive forms updating data model

荒凉一梦 提交于 2019-12-11 16:13:59


The problem is that after updating values in my form and then selecting the button to display the form again the values are sometimes there. I have tried to do this in different ways using a BehaviorSubject and also doing it with the EventEmitter. Any help would be appreciated.

I have attached the plunker: Plunker

Below is the data for my plunker example.

  this.units = [
    id: 1, 
    name: "Unit 1", 
    alarms: [
        name: "Alarm 1",
        description: ""
        name: "Alarm 2",
        description: ""
    id: 2, 
    name: "Unit 2", 
    alarms: [
        name: "Alarm 1",
        description: ""
        name: "Alarm 2",
        description: ""
        name: "Alarm 3",
        description: ""

The user selects Unit 1 button and updates the description property of the first Alarm. The user clicks on the Unit 2 button and the data is save to the collection in the ngOnChange with the call to this.updateData(changedProp.previousValue); When the user click on button Unit 1 the value changed in the description of the first alarm is not always there.

I am also not sure if there is a better way of doing this.

Any help would be appreciated.


Get access to child UnitEdit component from parent and when select the tab, call this.unitComp.updateData(unit) method from parent to save unit state:

export class App {
  units: Unit[];
  unit: Unit = null;
  constructor(private unitService: UnitService) {

  private unitComp: UnitEditComponent;


  unitSelected(unit: Unit) {
    // save unit states
    this.unit = unit;

If you need more detail about @ViewChild decorator look at Parent calls an @ViewChild()


