Running Swift 4 code on Xcode 8.3 - issue with Xcode Snapshot

早过忘川 提交于 2019-12-11 14:59:44


I am facing issues with XCode snapshot. Actually I have Xcode 8.3.3, but I need to run Swift 4 project on it. Upgrading OSX and Xcode version is not an option for me.

I followed the accepted answer from here: Is it possible to compile Swift 4 on Xcode 8.x?

I downloaded Xcode snapshot (latest, 30th Dec release of toolchain) from

and made the required settings of toolchain. However, I am encountering a strange issue.

Again, to resolve this, I tried the accepted answer on link Could not build Objective-C module '_SwiftUIKitOverlayShims'

however, even this does not seem to work. Please suggest where I am going wrong.

