BigQuery User Defined Aggregation Function?

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慢半拍i 2021-01-04 21:38

I know I can define a User Defined Function in order to perform some custom calculation. I also know I can use the \'out-of-the-box\' aggregation functions to reduce a colle

  • 2021-01-04 22:10

    Turns out that this IS possible (as long as the groups we seek to aggregate are of a reasonable size in memory) with a little bit of 'glue' - namely the ARRAY_AGG function

    The steps are as follows:

    1. Create a UDF with an input parameter of type ARRAY<T> where T is the type of value you want to aggregate.
    2. Use the ARRAY_AGG function in the query with the GROUP BY clause to generate an array of T and pass into your UDF.

    As a concrete example:

    CREATE TEMP FUNCTION aggregate_fruits(fruits ARRAY<STRING>)
    LANGUAGE js AS """
    return "my fruit bag contains these items: " + fruits.join(",");
    WITH fruits AS
    (SELECT "apple" AS fruit
    UNION ALL SELECT "pear" AS fruit
    UNION ALL SELECT "banana" AS fruit)
    SELECT aggregate_fruits(ARRAY_AGG(fruit))
    FROM fruits
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