Unable to login to app on device or simulator after upgrade to iOS 9 and MobileFirst 7.1

后端 未结 1 930
广开言路 2020-12-21 22:26

My hybrid app built using Ionic and IBM MobileFirst is unable to login after the upgrade to iOS 9 and MF 7.1 when built via XCode and deployed to a device or through iOS sim

  • 2020-12-21 22:57

    When using the MBS, you are basically being served directly by the server. The MBS is inside the server and you open the server IP or localhost.

    When using a physical device or the iOS Simulator you are connecting to a "remote" hostname. It could be that the value mentioned is not being translated correctly by DNS.

    You can try two things, by editing the worklight.plist file in your Xcode project:

    1. Empty the host property; this usually then allows it to pick a value on its own and seems to work, in iOS
    2. Replace the existing host value with the IP address instead of a hostname
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