Mock attributes in Python mock?

后端 未结 3 1748
-上瘾入骨i 2020-12-01 00:51

I\'m having a fairly difficult time using mock in Python:

def method_under_test():
    r =\"http://localhost/post\")

    print r         

  • 2020-12-01 01:02

    With mock version '1.0.1' the simpler syntax mentioned in the question is supported and works as is!

    Example code updated (py.test is used instead of unittest):

    import mock
    import requests
    def method_under_test():
        r ="http://localhost/post")
        print r.ok
        if r.ok:
            return r.ok
            raise Exception()
    def test_method_under_test():
        with mock.patch('') as patched_post:
            patched_post.return_value.ok = True
            result = method_under_test()
            assert result is True, "mock ok failed"

    Run this code with: (make sure you install pytest)

    $ py.test -s -v 
    ======= test session starts =======================
    platform linux2 -- Python 2.7.10 -- py-1.4.30 -- pytest-2.7.2 -- /home/developer/miniconda/bin/python
    rootdir: /home/developer/projects/learn/scripts/misc, inifile: 
    plugins: httpbin, cov
    collected 1 items  True
    ======= 1 passed in 0.03 seconds =================
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-12-01 01:19

    A compact and simple way to do it is to use new_callable patch's attribute to force patch to use PropertyMock instead of MagicMock to create the mock object. The other arguments passed to patch will be used to create PropertyMock object.

    with patch('', new_callable=PropertyMock, return_value=True) as mock_post:
        """Your test"""
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  • 2020-12-01 01:27

    You need to use return_value and PropertyMock:

    with patch('') as patched_post:
        type(patched_post.return_value).ok = PropertyMock(return_value=True)

    This means: when calling, on the return value of that call, set a PropertyMock for the property ok to return the value True.

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