Breakpoints in Dartium not working

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春和景丽 2020-11-30 14:41

So if I add break points in .dart files that are located in /web directory of my project, it works fine. For example I\'m using AngularDart and the main.dart file works. How

  • 2020-11-30 15:12

    I will combine the accepted answer + comment to that answer. Breakpoints 100% works only when you set them for files inside (no domain) category on Sources tab.

    As I understand, in category with your domain name they are working only for files that was included with <script> tag. They won't work for imported files.

    I have created an issue: Dartium ignores breakpoints set not in (no domain) category.

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  • 2020-11-30 15:19

    To set breakpoints in dependencies search the source inside the (no domain) node and set the breakpoint there. Breakpoints don't hit when set somewhere in the packages node.

    You can also use the breakpoint statement for the debugger top pop up. See Does Dart have a 'breakpoint' statement? for more details.

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  • 2020-11-30 15:22

    If you set break pointors from Dart Editor, then you should run your application from Dart Editor.

    If you're using Dartium only, then you should set break pointors from Chrome Developer Tool. (Accepted answer)

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