How do you return multiple values and assign them to mutable variables?

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谎友^ 2021-02-20 17:42

This is what I have so far.

let Swap (left : int , right : int ) = (right, left)

let mutable x = 5
let mutable y = 10

let (newX, newY) = Swap(x, y) //<--thi         

  • 2021-02-20 18:12

    The code you have commented doesn't work because when you write "x, y" you create a new tuple that is an immutable value, so can't be updated. You could create a mutable tuple and then overwrite it with the result of the swap function if you want:

    let mutable toto = 5, 10 
    let swap (x, y) = y, x
    toto  <- swap toto

    My advice would be to investigate the immutable side of F#, look at the ways you can use immutable structures to achieve what you previously would have done using mutable values.


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  • 2021-02-20 18:18

    F# has "by reference" parameters just like C#, so you can write a classic swap function similarly:

    let swap (x: byref<'a>) (y: byref<'a>) =
        let temp = x
        x <- y
        y <- temp
    let mutable x,y = 1,2
    swap &x &y
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  • 2021-02-20 18:28

    You can't; there's no syntax to update 'more than one mutable variable' with a single assignment. Of course you can do

    let newX, newY = Swap(x,y)
    x <- newX
    y <- newY
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