iOS AVAsset.duration is zero for HTTP live streaming but works for progressive

前端 未结 1 667
孤街浪徒 2021-02-20 16:48

I have an iOS app that plays video from a HTTP Live stream \"playlist.m3u8\" and I have a custom player created using AVPlayer. To handle normal user interactions such as scrub

  • 2021-02-20 17:03

    The docs above mention that duration should now be obtained from the AVPlayerItem instance, rather than its corresponding AVAsset. To get the duration from the current player item via key-value observing, I use the following method (originally pulled from NGMoviePlayer which was written for iOS 4.0):

    - (void)loadPlayerWithItem:(AVPlayerItem *)playerItem {
        self.player = [AVPlayer playerWithPlayerItem:playerItem];
        // changed this from previous value currentItem.asset.duration
        [self.player addObserver:self forKeyPath:@"currentItem.duration"

    I implemented the above change in my player and the duration is working now! This change in AVFoundation was the root cause of the issue. CMTimeFlags = 17 indicates kCMTimeFlags_Indefinite & kCMTimeFlags_Valid, and the docs specify:

    In particular, the duration reported by the URL asset for streaming-based media is typically kCMTimeIndefinite, while the duration of a corresponding AVPlayerItem may be different and may change while it plays.

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