Is it possible to decode EventValidation and ViewState in ASP.NET?

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误落风尘 2021-02-20 16:02

How to decode the ASP.NET EventValidation and ViewState?

  • 2021-02-20 16:15

    Create a simple windows app and use Convert.FromBase64(str) to decode ViewState data if it is not encrypted.

    Note: GridView causes encryption.

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  • 2021-02-20 16:18

    I needed to decode ViewStates recently and found this tool useful: View State decoder

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  • 2021-02-20 16:26

    I answered a similar question recently, Getting values from viewstate using JQuery?.

    Basically, by default ViewState is just Base64-encoded, so you can decode it as long as the administrator hasn't configured the site to encrypt it. Quoting from my previous answer:

    If you are writing the control for your own consumption and you only need to read from ViewState, you could do so, but I wouldn't recommend it unless you find a well-debugged library to parse it for you. The format is a bit hairy (see ViewState: All You Wanted to Know for more details).

    That link provides an extremely thorough and clear introduction to ViewState.

    As for Event Validation, I'm unsure whether it's Base64-encoded or if it just looks like Base64 (I can't find a conclusive, authoritative reference). This Rexiology article might help though.

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  • 2021-02-20 16:26

    You can use this link if use python.

    Best way is use this link.

    A small Python 3.5+ library for decoding ASP.NET viewstate.

    First install that: pip install viewstate

    >>> from viewstate import ViewState
    >>> base64_encoded_viewstate = '/wEPBQVhYmNkZQ9nAgE='
    >>> vs = ViewState(base64_encoded_viewstate)
    >>> vs.decode()
    ('abcde', (True, 1))
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  • 2021-02-20 16:40

    I'm not sure about EventValidation, but you can decode ViewState by using Fritz Onion's ViewState Decoder.

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