Cl.exe returing error code D8050

前端 未结 3 1825

I have the following error on fresh windows 8 install with microsoft visual studio ultimate 2013 :

cl : Command line error D8050 : cannot execute \'C:\\Program          

  • 2021-02-20 16:13

    I had my %TEMP% and %TMP% vars pointing to a directory that contained a $. Replacing it with an _ solved the issue for me.

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  • 2021-02-20 16:14

    I ran into this error after I cleaned up my C drive (deleted temporary files of all sorts). I was able to fix it by re-setting the environment variables for Visual C++ command-line tools. This page was my reference. I was building 64 bit.

    Run cmd as admin.

    c:\>cd YourVSInstallDir\VC
    c:\YourVSInstallDir\VC>vcvarsall.bat amd64
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  • 2021-02-20 16:19

    I had this issue with a cleared environment, and it was resolved (at least in part) by setting the TMP environment variable.

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