How to convert Excel values into buckets?

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青春惊慌失措 2021-02-20 15:48

I have a set of data in Excel and in one column is a estimate (number of weeks)

I want an Excel formula to bucket it into

  • Small
  • Medium
  • La
  • 2021-02-20 16:03

    Another method to create this would be using the if conditionals...meaning you would reference a cell that has a value and depending on that value it will give you the bucket such as small.

    For example, =if(b2>30,"large",if(b2>20,"medium",if(b2>=10,"small",if(b2<10,"tiny",""))))

    So if cell b2 had a value of 12, then it will return the word small.

    Hope this was what you're looking for.

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  • 2021-02-20 16:05

    I used the attached formula to categorize sales figures into/within intervals of a bin range as shown the formula is:


    Here cells are as shown in example snapshot of excel model

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  • 2021-02-20 16:13

    I use this trick for equal data bucketing. Instead of text result you get the number. Here is example for four buckets. Suppose you have data in A1:A100 range. Put this formula in B1:

    =MAX(ROUNDUP(PERCENTRANK($A$1:$A$100,A1) *4,0),1)

    Fill down the formula all across B column and you are done. The formula divides the range into 4 equal buckets and it returns the bucket number which the cell A1 falls into. The first bucket contains the lowest 25% of values.

    Adjust the number of buckets according to thy wish:

    =MAX(ROUNDUP(PERCENTRANK([Range],[OneCellOfTheRangeToTest]) *[NumberOfBuckets],0),1)

    The number of observation in each bucket will be equal or almost equal. For example if you have a 100 observations and you want to split it into 3 buckets (like in your example) then the buckets will contain 33, 33, 34 observations. So almost equal. You do not have to worry about that - the formula works that out for you.

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  • 2021-02-20 16:14

    May be not quite what you were looking for but how about using conditional formatting functionality of Excel

    EDIT: As an alternate you could create a vba function that acts as a formula that will do the calulation for you. something like

    Function getBucket(rng As Range) As String
        Dim strReturn As String
        Select Case rng.Value
            Case 0 to 10
                strReturn = "Small"
            Case 11 To 20
                 strReturn = "Medium"
            Case 21 To 30
                 strReturn = "Large"
            Case 31 To 40
                 strReturn = "Huge"
            Case Else
                 strReturn = "OMG!!!"
        End Select
        getBucket = strReturn
    End Function
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  • I prefer to label buckets with a numeric formula. If the bucket size is 10 then this labels the buckets 0,1,2,...


    If you put the bucket size 10 in a separate cell you can easily vary it.

    If cell B1 contains the bucket (0,1,2,...) and column 6 contains the names Low, Medium, High then this formula converts a bucket to a name:


    Alternatively, this labels the buckets with the least value in the set, i.e. 0,10,20,...


    or this labels them with the range 0-10,10-20,20-30,...

    =10*INT(A1/10) & "-" & (10*INT(A1/10)+10)
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  • 2021-02-20 16:17

    The right tool for that is to create a range with your limits and the corresponding names. You can then use the vlookup() function, with the 4th parameter set to Trueto create a range lookup.

    Note: my PC uses ; as separator, yours might use ,.
    Adjust formula according to your regional settings.

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