Ignore benchmarks when using stable/beta

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被撕碎了的回忆 2021-02-20 14:06

I have a file with some benchmarks and tests and would like to test against stable, beta and nightly. However, either I don\'t use the benchmark or stable/beta complain. Is ther

  • 2021-02-20 14:43

    Cargo supports a benches directory for benchmark tests. If you put them in there, you can just never run "cargo bench" on beta/stable, and only run it on nightly.

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  • 2021-02-20 14:45

    In my projects, I place benchmarks in a separate module, just like I do for tests. I then create a Cargo feature that enables them. In this excerpt, I used the feature name unstable, but you can use anything you'd like:


    # ...
    unstable = []
    # ...


    #![cfg_attr(feature = "unstable", feature(test))]
    mod tests {
        fn a_test() {
            assert_eq!(1, 1);
    #[cfg(all(feature = "unstable", test))]
    mod bench {
        extern crate test;
        use self::test::Bencher;
        fn a_bench(b: &mut Bencher) {
            let z = b.iter(|| {
                test::black_box(|| {
                    1 + 1

    The line #[cfg(all(feature = "unstable", test))] says to only compile the following item if the feature is set and we are compiling in test mode anyway. Likewise, #![cfg_attr(feature = "unstable", feature(test))] only enables the test feature flag when the unstable feature is enabled.

    Here's an example in the wild.

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  • 2021-02-20 14:53

    Is there a way to hide all the benchmark parts when using stable/beta?

    Yes, and you can do it automatically using a build script, so it is not necessary to specify --features when executing cargo. In the build script you can detect the version of the Rust compiler and define a feature ("nightly" for example). Then, in the source code you can group your benchmarks and enable them if the feature was defined.


    build = "build.rs"
    nightly = []
    rustc_version = "0.1.*"


    extern crate rustc_version;
    use rustc_version::{version_meta, Channel};
    fn main() {
        if version_meta().channel == Channel::Nightly {


    #![cfg_attr(all(feature = "nightly", test), feature(test))]
    #[cfg(all(feature = "nightly", test))]
    extern crate test;
    pub fn add_two(a: i32) -> i32 {
        a + 2
    mod tests {
        // tests
    #[cfg(all(feature = "nightly", test))]
    mod benchs {
        use test::Bencher;
        // benchs
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