Why does Function.identity() break type reification but t -> t does not?

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悲&欢浪女 2021-02-20 13:32

Answers found at Java 8 lambdas, Function.identity() or t->t seem to imply that Function.identity() is almost always equivalent to t -> t. Howeve

  • 2021-02-20 14:15

    Ecj is able to infere the correct(?) type argument (Integer) to match the constraints. Javac for some reason comes to a different result.

    Thats not the first time javac/ecj behave differently in inference of type parameters.

    In that case you can give javac a hint with Function.<Integer>identity() to make it compileable with javac.

    For the difference between Function.identity() and t->t:

    • Function.identity() is Function<T,T>
    • t->t in that case is Function<? super Integer, ? extends Integer>

    So t->t is more flexible in the methods it can match to.

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