Race condition in JavaScript with compound assignment

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礼貌的吻别 2021-02-20 13:38

I\'m not talking about complex race conditions involving the network or events. Rather, I seem to have found out that the += operator is not atomic in V8 (Chrome 58

  • 2021-02-20 13:54

    This is not a race condition, because you are explicitly yielding the execution using await.

    The standard defines that a compound assignment such as += is not atomic: The left-hand-side of a compound assignment is evaluated before the right-hand-side.[1]

    So if your RHS changes acc somehow, the changes will be overwritten. Most simple example:

    var n = 1;
    n += (function () {
        n = 2;
        return 0;

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  • 2021-02-20 13:59

    Indeed, after replacing the acc += await n(c) line with:

    const ret = await n(c); acc += ret;

    the race condition was avoided.

    My guess is V8 didn't optimize acc += await n(c) to an ADD of the n() result over the memory location containing acc, but rather expanded it to acc = acc + await n(c);, and the initial value of acc when nForever(5.3) was first called, was 0.

    This is counter-intuitive to me, though not sure the V8 developers would consider it a bug.

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