Is the constexpr specifier required on the declaration of a constexpr static member initialized outside of the class?

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甜味超标 2021-02-20 10:33

C++17 §10.1.5/1 states:

The constexpr specifier shall be applied only to the definition of a variable or variable template

  • 2021-02-20 11:29

    If I were to read this:

    static S const ZERO; // not marked `constexpr`, but still `const`

    S::ZERO will never change its value during run-time due to const.


    constexpr S S::ZERO{ 0 }; // implicitly `inline` (if C++17) and `const`

    Constant Evaluation is done for S::ZERO which will have constant integral value 0 for _value.
    This invokes your constexpr constructor:

    constexpr S(int value = {}) : _value{ value } {}

    As per basic.start.static - Constant Initialization:

    A constant initializer for a variable or temporary object o is an initializer whose full-expression is a constant expression, except that if o is an object, such an initializer may also invoke constexpr constructors for o and its subobjects even if those objects are of non-literal class types.

    AND expr.const/8.7 - Constant Evaluation:

    a variable whose name appears as a potentially constant evaluated expression that is either a constexpr variable or is of non-volatile const-qualified integral type or of reference type.


    Is it a violation to have non-matching use of the constexpr specifier across variable declarations and definitions?

    I believe your code is fine.

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