JQuery adding class to cloned element

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攒了一身酷 2021-02-20 04:11

This is my script:

$(\'.addprop\').click(function() {

I need to add a class to

  • 2021-02-20 04:28

    Yes, it is:

    $('.addprop').click(function() {

    Although you're cloning an element based on its id, $('#clone'), so note that there will be two elements sharing the same id, which makes the result invalid HTML, so I'd suggest:

    $('.addprop').click(function() {
            $('#clone').clone().attr('id',id += 1).addClass('newClass').insertAfter('.addprop');

    This will effectively add the number 1 to the end of the end of the current id value. To make this more dynamic you'd probably need to base it on a count of the number of elements of the new class-name:

    $('.addprop').click(function() {
            $('#clone').clone().attr('id',id += $('.newClass').length).addClass('newClass').insertAfter('.addprop');
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  • 2021-02-20 04:42


    After the .clone() method the current element is the clone..



    you will need to change the id of the clone as it must be unique in the DOM and when you clone that element, the id is cloned as well..

    So better to do something like

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