Requirements to make PWA in a WebAPK format

前端 未结 1 1669
栀梦 2021-02-20 02:27

I am working on my website. I managed to get basic PWA functionality using the web page manifest file.

Not long ago, Google released deeply integrated PWAs, allowing use

  • 2021-02-20 03:11

    This is not something we can control. Chrome was/is experimenting with "improved A2HS" as they called it (A2HS stands for "add to homescreen") and a part of that was an internal service that wrapped the PWA into APK. It was hidden behind a flag initially, then it was opened to the public as default in Feb 2017.

    When you install a Progressive Web App, we look at your Web App Manifest and other meta-data and create the APK that is installed on to the user's device.

    (emphasis mine, we == Android)

    So there's nothing we can do except being sure our manifest is valid, site is HTTPS, Service Worker installs correctly etc.

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