org.hibernate.hql.ast.QuerySyntaxException with Hibernate

后端 未结 7 2000
死守一世寂寞 2021-02-20 01:34

I\'m new to using Hibernate with Java. I\'m getting the following exception. The stuff that I found online regarding this error didn\'t seem to help. Any ideas? The Exception:<

  • 2021-02-20 01:45

    Try adding a class element under persistence-unit, in your persistence.xml file.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <persistence ...>
        <persistence-unit name="unit">

    I haven't done much more than that with JPA/EntityManager, so I don't know if there's a way to add an entire package. AFAIK, when using hibernate.cfg.xml, each persistent class has to be specified directly.

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  • 2021-02-20 01:45

    I was having the same problem and I solved by adding aspectj entries to my pom.xml see below. I guess it makes sense if you are using annotations. Otherwise you need to specify the mappings in the XML file. I had this problem from a project that was using a jar with JPA annotations.

                <version>1.2</version> <!-- NB: do use 1.3 or 1.3.x due to MASPECTJ-90 - wait for 1.4 -->
                    <!-- NB: You must use Maven 2.0.9 or above or these are ignored (see MNG-2972) -->
            <weaveDependency>                                     <groupId>your.project</groupId>                        <artifactId>your.artifact</artifactId>                     </weaveDependency>                    
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  • 2021-02-20 01:46

    It happened to me until I started to use the full class name, e.g.:

    String queryString = "select count(c) from c";

    But I don't like this approach, because it's refactoring-unfirendly. A more tractable one would be:

    String queryString = "select count(c) from " + ApplPerfStats.class.getName() +  c";

    javashlook's solution seems to be a shortcut for that - but it adds more XML configuration, which I try to avoid. If only there was an annotation-based way to specify that...

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  • 2021-02-20 01:59

    You should specify a column to do the count on

    select count(c.someColumn) from ApplPerfStats c

    Or try a count(*)

    select count(*) from ApplPerfStats c
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  • 2021-02-20 02:00

    I was also face this problem fixed by this ...

    You haven't declared your entity classes in persistence.xml config file:

    <property name="hibernate.archive.autodetection" value="class, hbm"/>
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  • 2021-02-20 02:07

    I faced this issue but in my case the problem was due to gradle version.
    When I changed my system from linux to mac then I had to switch from gradle-1.0-milestone-3 to gradle-1.0-milestone-4 as milestone-3 does not work in OSX. And in gradle-1.0-milestone-4 I faced the same issue then I had to degrade my gradle version to gradle-1.0-milestone-1. Now it is working fine

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