How to convert string values to integer values while reading a CSV file?

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你的背包 2021-02-19 23:03

When opening a CSV file, the column of integers is being converted to a string value (\'1\', \'23\', etc.). What\'s the best way to loop through to convert these back to intege

  • 2021-02-19 23:15

    I think this does what you want:

    import csv
    with open('C:/Python27/testweight.csv', 'r', newline='') as f:
        reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter='\t')
        header = next(reader)
        rows = [header] + [[row[0], int(row[1])] for row in reader if row]
    for row in rows:


    ['Account', 'Value']
    ['ABC', 6]
    ['DEF', 3]
    ['GHI', 4]
    ['JKL', 7]
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  • 2021-02-19 23:27

    If the CSV has headers, I would suggest using csv.DictReader. With this you can do:

     with open('C:/Python27/testweight.csv', 'rb') as f:
        reader = csv.DictReader(f)
        for row in reader:
            integer = int(row['Name of Column'])
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  • 2021-02-19 23:34

    You could just iterate over all of the rows as follows:

    import csv
    with open('testweight.csv', newline='') as f:
        rows = list(csv.reader(f))      # Read all rows into a list
    for row in rows[1:]:    # Skip the header row and convert first values to integers
        row[1] = int(row[1])

    This would display:

    [['Account', 'Value'], ['ABC', 6], ['DEF', 3], ['GHI', 4], ['JKL', 7]]

    Note: your code is checking for > 's'. This would result in you not getting any rows as numbers would be seen as less than s. If you still use Python 2.x, change the newline='' to 'rb'.

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