Why does Python's string.printable contains unprintable characters?

前端 未结 2 1842
终归单人心 2021-02-19 20:51

I have two String.printable mysteries in the one question.

First, in Python 2.6:

>>> string.printable

  • 2021-02-19 21:35

    There is a difference in "printable" for "can be displayed on your screen". Your terminal displays the low ascii printer control codes 0x0B and 0x0C as the male and female symbols because that is what those indices in your font contain. Those characters are more accurately described as the Vertical Tabulator and Form Feed characters. These two characters, along with \t \r and \n, are all printable, and do well defined things on a printer.

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  • 2021-02-19 21:35

    From within cmd.exe:

    >>> print '\x0b'
    >>> print '\x0c'
    >>> print '\f' # form feed
    >>> print '\v' # vertical tab

    Inside Emacs:

    >>> print '\f\v'

    Here's an excerpt from formats(5)' man page:

    | Sequence | Character    | Terminal Action                             |
    | \f       | form-feed    | Moves the printing position to the initial  |
    |          |              | printing position of the next logical page. |
    | \v       | vertical-tab | Moves the printing position to the start of |
    |          |              | the next vertical tab position. If there    |
    |          |              | are no more vertical tab positions left on  |
    |          |              | the page, the behavior is undefined.        |
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