Return type std::optional>

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盖世英雄少女心 2021-02-19 21:04

I have a situation where a function must return a value taken from a table. A cell in this table (let\'s assume the table just works...) may contain a value, or it might not. T

  • 2021-02-19 21:14

    Just want to add that before C++17 and the standardization of variant and monostate, there is already boost::blank to solve the exact same issue for boost::variant.

    By convention, if boost::blank is used, it should always be the first template argument, so that a default-constructed variant is empty and checking for emptyness is done with .which() == 0.

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  • 2021-02-19 21:33

    I would consider this to be a useful use of std::monostate. Specifically, variant<std::monostate, int, double, std::string, std::chrono::time_point>. monostate is useful for cases where a variant may not contain a value.

    The nice thing about using an actual type rather than optional<variant> is that visitation works normally on it. You can write a functor that can take a monostate parameter, thus allowing you to use visit for even "empty" variants.

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