How to compare two DATE values based only on date part in Oracle?

后端 未结 5 2212
醉话见心 2021-02-19 18:53

I am trying to get counts for last 30 days with the following query -

SELECT date_occured, COUNT(*) FROM problem
WHERE date_occured >= (CURRENT_DATE - 30)

  • 2021-02-19 19:24

    I would tend to suspect that Tony is correct and that you really only want to TRUNC the right-hand side of the expression.

    If you do want to TRUNC both sides of the expression and you're encountering performance issues, you probably need a function based index

    CREATE INDEX idx_problem_trunc_dt_occured
        ON problem( trunc( date_occurred ) );

    That would allow your original query to use the function-based index.

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  • 2021-02-19 19:30

    Try using SYSDATE vs CURRENT_DATE. Sysdate uses the server's local time where CURRENT_DATE returns current date/time for the server in the client's connection's local time.

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  • 2021-02-19 19:35

    I think you'll want to trunc in the select part too:

     SELECT TRUNC(date_occured) AS short_date_occured, COUNT(*)
     FROM problem 
     WHERE date_occured >= trunc(SYSDATE- 30) 
     GROUP BY short_date_occured;
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  • 2021-02-19 19:38

    Here is the index friendly approach.

    you don't need to use functions on columns if you use Oracle's Native MONTHS_BETWEEN function.

    It returns difference in number of months. Days are also given as difference but on the precision side that is why I preferred to use BETWEEN clause

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  • 2021-02-19 19:38

    For this condition you only need to TRUNC the right-hand side:

    WHERE date_occured >= TRUNC(CURRENT_DATE - 30)

    Why? Because if TRUNC(date_occured) is later than TRUNC(CURRENT_DATE - 30), then any moment in time after TRUNC(date_occured) is bound to be later than TRUNC(CURRENT_DATE - 30) too.

    It is obviously always true that date_occured >= TRUNC(date_occured) (think about it).

    Logic says that if A >= B and B >= C then it follows that A >= C

    Now substitute:

    • A : date_occured
    • B : TRUNC(date_occured)
    • C : TRUNC(CURRENT_DATE - 30)
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