EJS - pass variable when include

前端 未结 3 1476
醉话见心 2021-02-19 18:33

I\'m using ejs in backend with nodejs. I\'d like to pass variable when include. When include the header, pass the page title.


<% include he         

  • 2021-02-19 18:56

    you can pass my_tytle directly to the index.ejs and if there is a partial view for header, my_tytle should be accessible to the header.

    for example: index.ejs:

    <% include header %>
    <body> . . . </body>
    <% include footer%>


    <html lang="en">
        <title><%- my_tytle %></title>

    now from node server if you pass the value for my_tytle to index.ejs, like this:

    res.render('template_file.js', {
            my_tytle : "Value for your title"

    then your partial view (i.e header in your case) would be also able to access that variable.

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  • 2021-02-19 19:00

    As asked somewhere in the comments, we can also use a variable to be controled by a server, and here is how: <%- include("header",{my_tytle :`${myVar}`}) %>

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  • You can pass the object inside the include statement

    <%- include("header",{title:"your_title"}) %>

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