Creating a modal window to load data with AngularJS

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时光取名叫无心 2021-02-19 18:17

I\'ve been trying to load data inside a modal window using AngularJS but I\'m not sure how to do that. I need the url also to change when the link is clicked and the data to loa

  • 2021-02-19 18:25

    Not sure if this will completely solve your problem but we have a directive wrapper of the bootstrap modal on Because you are defining your divs in your page, the two-way data binding should just work. In regards to the url link to change, I'm not sure why you would want this since this is a modal control.

    Angular-ui group has an angularjs replacement of the js for modal and some other bootstrap controls see here


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  • 2021-02-19 18:25

    If you happen to be using Twitter BootStrap's modal, this jsfiddle keeps the Angular components separate, which allows you to create a partial html file with only your modal's html and properly scoped bindings.

    This means you can use an Angular directive declaratively in your html:

     <a my-popup-directive="partials/myModal.html">Open MyModal</a> 

    Edit: Per @DanDoyon's (correct) comment, the directive was renamed to a non-ng namespace. Update: Using a Bootstrap 3 modal with Angular 1.x makes a custom directive or angular-ui modal pretty much unnecessary.

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  • 2021-02-19 18:37

    The Angular way is view watching the model and you changing the model:

    • Put the dialog into the markup.
    • Bind content of the dialog to something like selectedPost.
    • Clicking the link only change selectedPost and hide/show the dialog.

    Here is a very quick version:

    Checkout Angular UI, they already have a component for Bootstrap's modal.

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  • 2021-02-19 18:45

    Here's my attempt to make directives for it.

    Hopefully you find it useful.

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