Visual Studio 2013 context menus slow only in web application project

前端 未结 4 829
遥遥无期 2021-02-19 18:04

I recently upgraded from VS 2010 to VS 2013 for a new project. I\'m finding that when right-clicking on a folder (but not an individual file) in my Web Application project, it t

  • 2021-02-19 18:08

    I am having the same issue as you. Old web projects are effecting and new web projects are ok.

    What I found is I am using a lot of NuGet package in the project and local NuGet cache (C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\NuGet\Cache) is empty because this is new machine.

    I recompile the whole solution. NuGet packages are caching in that folder. After compilation is successfully, problem solved.

    I am not sure what is happening but this solve my problem. Strange thing is I need to recompile all solutions. Uncompiled solutions have this issue and after compile, this is gone.

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  • 2021-02-19 18:17

    If its happening for a single project means, you can try out the following

    1. Delete .suo file in your project.
    2. And then Restart the visual studio.
    3. Try loading your project again.

    This may provide you a fine solution.

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  • 2021-02-19 18:18

    We were struggling with the same issue from a long time. Right Click on a project or on the any folder inside project used to take at least 10 seconds for the menu to appear. The solution was quite simple.

    Just get rid of all the broken references.

    Please refer following image. Such broken references need to be removed.

    Remove such references and try right click again, context menu will appear withing a fraction of seconds.

    This worked for us.

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  • 2021-02-19 18:27

    Just to add to the possible solutions, I had the same problem.

    BTW I am using VC-2013 Ultimate with R# and NCrunch.

    Right clicking on any solution item took forever. I closed the solution and deleted the _ResharperXXX folder in the solution directory.

    The problem was gone after I started the solution again.

    This has happened a few times now and I have managed to fix it by doing the above every time.

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