Using JsDoc3 for large apps, How to group modules into sections/categories/submodules

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暗喜 2021-02-19 11:42

I am working on an app which will become quite huge in time. I have decided to use JsDoc3 and DocStrap to document all modules. Modules are defined via

  • 2021-02-19 12:26

    Excellent question. I’ve run into the same problem too.

    I use namespaces to group classes together into a single package. A big project could have multiple namespaces. A really big project could have namespaces whose members are themselves namespaces.

    A namespace is basically a grouping of static objects. You can use @namespace to document an object literal, or a “static class” that shouldn’t be constructed, for example, the native Math class.

    Unfortunately there is no easy way to label modules as members of namespaces, so I’ve abandoned the @module tag altogether, using only @class and @namespace. Another really annoying thing about modules is you have to prepend module: in front of every mention of a module in JSDoc comments. E.g. you must do @type {module:my_mod} instead of just @type {my_mod}.

    So the structure of your project would look like this:


     * description of Editor.
     * @namespace Editor
     const Editor = {
       Services: require('./Services.js'),
     module.exports = Editor


     * description of Services.
     * @namespace Editor.Services
     *            ^^^^^^^ shows it’s a member of Editor
     const Services = {
       UI: require('./UI.js'),
     module.exports = Services

    UI.js (let’s say UI is a class)

     * description of UI.
     * @memberof Editor.Services
     * ^^^^^^^^^ need to tell JSDoc UI is a member
     * @class
     * ^^^^^^ optional, as JSDoc knows ES6 classes
    class UI {
      constructor() {...}
    module.exports = UI
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  • 2021-02-19 12:35

    I've just published a new version of better-docs template which supports @category tag. Long story short you can add @category tag to your class/module/whatever and it will be namespaced in the sidebar.

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