Simplest way to reverse the order of strings in a make variable

后端 未结 5 1803
鱼传尺愫 2021-02-19 11:19

Let\'s say you have a variable in a makefile fragment like the following:

MY_LIST=a b c d

How do I then reverse the order of that list? I need

  • 2021-02-19 11:26

    Playing off of both Ben Collins' and elmarco's answers, here's a punt to bash which handles whitespace "properly"1

    reverse = $(shell printf "%s\n" $(strip $1) | tac)

    which does the right thing, thanks to $(shell) automatically cleaning whitespace and printf automatically formatting each word in its arg list:

    $(info [ $(call reverse,  one two   three four  ) ] )


    [ four three two one ]

    1...according to my limited test case (i.e., the $(info ...) line, above).

    0 讨论(0)
  • 2021-02-19 11:28

    You can also define search groups with ld:

    ld -r foo.o -( a.a b.a c.a -)

    Will iterate through a.a, b.a, and c.a until no new unresolved symbols can be satisfied by any object in the group.

    If you're using gnu ld, you can also do:

    ld -r -o foo.o --whole-archive bar.a

    Which is slightly stronger, in that it will include every object from bar.a regardless of whether it satisfies an unresolved symbol from foo.o.

    0 讨论(0)
  • 2021-02-19 11:37

    An improvement to the GNU make solution:

    reverse = $(if $(wordlist 2,2,$(1)),$(call reverse,$(wordlist 2,$(words $(1)),$(1))) $(firstword $(1)),$(1))

    • better stopping condition, original uses the empty string wasting a function call
    • doesn't add a leading space to the reversed list, unlike the original
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2021-02-19 11:48

    A solution in pure GNU make:

    default: all

    foo = please reverse me

    reverse = $(if $(1),$(call reverse,$(wordlist 2,$(words $(1)),$(1)))) $(firstword $(1))

    all : @echo $(call reverse,$(foo))


    $ make

    me reverse please

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  • 2021-02-19 11:49

    Doh! I could have just used a shell script-let:

    (for d in ${MY_LIST}; do echo $$d; done) | tac

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