Is [NSString hash] computed every time?

前端 未结 1 1258
清歌不尽 2021-02-19 09:27

If I have an immutable string is the hashing algorithm run every time I call hash, or does it remember the value (given that the string can\'t change)?

  • 2021-02-19 09:39

    It is recomputed.

    -[NSString hash] is in fact a call to -[NSCFString hash] (due to toll free bridging).

    If you create a program that calls -[NSString hash] on the same string and you break in between the calls and alter the memory backing up the string, you get a re-computed hash value. This tells me there's no caching involved.

    (gdb) b -[NSCFString hash]
    Breakpoint 1 at 0x3b02fa3
    (gdb) r
    Breakpoint 1, 0x93652fa3 in -[NSCFString hash] ()
    (gdb) c
    2009-05-13 14:23:39.003 a.out[1754:813] Hash: -327163326

    Note the hash value.

    Breakpoint 1, 0x93652fa3 in -[NSCFString hash] ()
    (gdb) bt          
    #0  0x93652fa3 in -[NSCFString hash] ()
    #1  0x00001f73 in main () at test.m:10
    (gdb) fra 1
    #1  0x00001f73 in main () at test.m:10
    10      NSLog(@"Hash: %d", [m hash]);
    (gdb) info locals
    pool = (NSAutoreleasePool *) 0x109760
    m = (NSString *) 0x2030
    (gdb) x/20x 0x2030
    0x2030 <dyld__mach_header+32>:  0xa06f54a0  0x000007c8  0x00001fa2  0x00000012

    0xa06f54a0 is the "isa" pointer, 0x00001fa2 is a pointer to the "XXXXXX" string.

    (gdb) set {int}0x1fa2 = 0x59595959

    alter the "XXXXXX" string to "YYYYXXXX", then continue to the second hash call

    (gdb) c
    2009-05-13 14:24:35.884 a.out[1754:813] Hash: -246144954

    Note the hash value that is different on the as far as ObjC knows immutable string.

    The program I've (de)bugged is:

    #import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
    int main()
        NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [NSAutoreleasePool new];
        NSString * m = [NSString stringWithString:@"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"];
        NSLog(@"Hash: %d", [m hash]);
        NSLog(@"Hash: %d", [m hash]);
        [pool release];
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