How can I replace multiple whitespace with a single space in Perl?

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心在旅途 2021-02-19 06:17

Why is this not working?

$data = \"What    is the STATUS of your mind right now?\";

$data =~ tr/ +/ /;

print $data;
  • 2021-02-19 06:28

    Use $data =~ s/ +/ /; instead.


    The tr is the translation operator. An important thing to note about this is that regex modifiers do not apply in a translation statement (excepting - which still indicates a range). So when you use
    tr/ +/ / you're saying "Take every instance of the characters space and + and translate them to a space". In other words, the tr thinks of the space and + as individual characters, not a regular expression.


    $data = "What    is the STA++TUS of your mind right now?";
    $data =~ tr/ +/ /;
    print $data; #Prints "What    is the STA  TUS of your mind right now?"

    Using s does what you're looking for, by saying "match any number of consecutive spaces (at least one instance) and substitute them with a single space". You may also want to use something like
    s/ +/ /g; if there's more than one place you want the substitution to occur (g meaning to apply globally).

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  • 2021-02-19 06:37

    You can also use tr with the "squash" option, which will remove duplicate replaced characters. See perlop for details.

    my $s = "foo      bar   fubb";
    $s =~ tr/ //s;
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  • 2021-02-19 06:51

    Perl 5.10 has a new character class, \h, the stands for horizontal whitespace which is nice for this sort of thing:

     $s =~ s/\h+/ /g;
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