Linq Join With Include Statement

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鱼传尺愫 2021-02-19 06:07
IQueryable emps = CreateObjectSet()
                                  .Include(u => u.Departments)

  • 2021-02-19 06:25

    This is a known issue with include. You could have a look at the following article Include in EF

    > var results =
    >         ((from post in ctx.Posts
    >         from blog in post.Blogs
    >         where blog.Owner.EmailAddress == “”
    >         select post) as ObjectQuery<Post>).Include(“Comments”);

    If that solution won't work for you, you can also try to fix it with grouping your data and selecting the departments as one of the values in your type.

    The EF entity relation fixup mechanism will then 'fix' the include for you.

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  • 2021-02-19 06:30

    This can be solved with the following code:

    var query = from emp in emps
                join prod in prods
                on emp.ProductID equals prod.ProductID
                where emp.EmployeeID == 10
                select employee;
    var result = query.Include(u => u.Departments)
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