JSON format for jQuery UI Autocomplete

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青春惊慌失措 2021-02-19 05:20

The documentation for jQuery UI Autocomplete states that the source property can be set to a URL that returns the suggested items in JSON format. However, it doesn

  • 2021-02-19 05:40

    Here is a real-world example, but it uses a JSONP remote datasource: http://www.highpoint.edu/admissions/contact.cfm

    The High School field uses autocomplete (make sure you Choose 'Freshman' for type of admission b/c otherwise the high school field will be hidden). Also, changing country/state selection will alter the autocomplete source somewhat, which might add some confusion.

    Also, that URL is just a wrapper for an iframe with the real form, which I cannot post a link to b/c new users can only post one URL in a comment.

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  • 2021-02-19 05:41

    I do a call to a Java Spring controller that simply returns the information below (in JSOn format). I build it with JSTL. But I don't know what kind of backend you use. But in Allmost every language you can simple output some JSON.


      "results": [{
          "id": " Canned",
          "name": " Canned"
        }, {
          "id": 64,
          "name": "Added Sulphites"
          "id": 3,
          "name": "age"
        }, {
          "id": "age",
          "name": "age"
        }, {
          "id": 59,
          "name": "age group"
          "id": "Allergen",
          "name": "Allergen"
        }, {
          "id": 85,
          "name": "Anchovies"

    I dislike autocomplete. maybe you found a better solution in flexbox: http://flexbox.codeplex.com/

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  • 2021-02-19 05:43

    using firebug we can see this format for json

    [{"id":"Podiceps nigricollis","label":"Black-necked Grebe","value":"Black-necked Grebe"}]

    I used json_encode

    $a[$x] = array("id" => $row["id"],"label"=>$row["label"],"value"=>$row["value"]);
    //echo JSON to page
        $response =  json_encode($a);
    echo $response;
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  • 2021-02-19 05:53

    This is a JSON Format

    {source: ["Milan", "Turin", "Venice", "Florence", "Rome"] }

    or another source

    {source: ["c++", "java", "php", "coldfusion", "javascript", "asp", "ruby"]}
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  • 2021-02-19 05:58

    Moved the answer here from my comment:


    I found it to be this format that .autocomplete is looking for for jquery UI 1.8

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  • 2021-02-19 06:01

    Did you look at the examples here? http://jqueryui.com/demos/autocomplete/#remote

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