Easy way to rename a project in android

前端 未结 2 1492
南笙 2021-02-18 19:34

I have downloaded an Android project. To avoid name conflicts I want to move it from com.android.zzz to com.my.zzz. At the moment I\'m using Ecplise with the standard android to

  • 2021-02-18 19:55

    As usual, by pressing F2 on package name, you can rename or change the package name, and also by Right-clicking and then select Rename option, you can change or rename the Package name.

    When you press F2, it will show you the dialog box as:

    alt text

    In this dialog, dont forget to check "Update references" check box because by making "check" to this check-box, it will make changes to all the references of the package which are referred by other components of project.

    Hope this helps you,

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  • 2021-02-18 20:00

    This is basic IDE refactoring.

    Right click the package in Eclipse -> Refactor -> Rename.

    You will probably want to check all the options that come up in the Rename dialog.

    Another option would be to right click the class files in Eclipse -> Refactor -> Move.

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